ORG Direct Sales Center

Do you need assistance writing a case?

One Resource Group can offer assistance on our Concierge Platform. We can work directly with your client to ensure that they don’t need to find another agent to take their application. Whether it’s a state that you don’t write in or it’s a technical case that you don’t feel comfortable with, ORG has you covered.

Call Tony Wilson in our Agency Sales Center for assistance.
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    ORG Concierge

    If you don’t have the time to take the app, let our licensed representatives do it for you! We can take life applications directly over the phone and make sure that your clients get the coverage they need. Select the "Request Assistance from a Licensed Representative" button below to submit a request for us to take an application.

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    Technical Cases

    Need help with the more technical cases? We have experienced, advanced sales professionals that can assist you with case design and even meet with the client. Our preferred network of experienced agents can assist with Estate Planning, Business Planning and much more. Learn from an industry professional all while servicing your clients needs and placing business.